This kind, urbane man raising a baseball bat above his head, ready to split Ghost's skull?
He was Silhouette's fiancé, an imposing and urbane man a decade her senior.
He was an urbane man, given a sanguine look and dignity by his gold-rimmed spectacles.
(tell us everything) The voice of an urbane man.
But those who know the cardinal say he is a subtle thinker, a courtly and urbane man.
Imagining this serious, urbane man, his legs crossed on the couch, as the easy rider takes some getting used to.
All the same, "Budapest 1900" is a special book - an eloquent tribute to a city by an urbane man of letters.
A tall urbane man comes over and ruffles her hair.
He was a witty, urbane, well-educated man, and I took to him immediately.
He was a very urbane and charming and intelligent man.