Everything is carefully worked out in an urbane manner, and Symons fans will rejoice.
'Just a word, citizen,' replied the other in his quiet urbane manner.
'I assure you, madame, nothing untoward is happening', Modigliani replied in his most urbane manner.
With his even features and usually urbane manner, Mr. Luckinbill would not seem a natural to play Johnson.
His urbane manner was deteriorating under the pressure of this threat that was beyond his ability to handle.
When he spoke to her it was politely and in his normal urbane manner.
Cicero also associates humanitas with speaking well, the ability to hold a cultivated conversation free of vulgarity and to speak in an urbane manner.
The Secretary of State, in his urbane manner, decided cautiously and wisely not to ask the President why he had needed a bandaid.
Lorring snarled, and then he smiled, his urbane manner returning as suddenly as it had gone.
This influenced the whole municipality, with the musicians' urbane manner serving as a model to the farming and working-class youth.