A12 President Clinton urged Israelis to remain committed to peace.
Leon Blum left his apartment in northern Jerusalem the other morning with a 9-millimeter pistol on his hip, just as the country's police chief had urged Israelis to do.
But Mr. Dahlan, at least, urged Israelis not to focus so much attention on the Palestinian leadership.
Some right-wing members of Parliament have recently urged Israelis to respond to Arab attacks by killing the assailants on the spot.
He repeatedly urged Israelis to go to the polls, as though a national election, rather than a party primary, was being held.
The shootings took place on a day when Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir urged Israelis to harden their stand against the Palestinian uprising.
With the cease-fire in the gulf, the army here rescinded the state of emergency in Israel and urged Israelis to return to normal life.
On Saturday, the government urged Israelis to exercise caution abroad and warned specifically about possible danger in Kenya, Egypt, South Africa, Ethiopia and Eritrea.
He urged Israelis to "listen to the demands" of the uprising and "allow free elections here."
Today, Mr. Shamir urged Israelis not to battle among themselves.