The government also put detour routes in place, urged commuters to take public transport and to carpool.
The police said several downtown streets would be closed for several days and urged commuters to take public transportation.
The scene took on a celebrity feel, with a campaign volunteer urging commuters to "share a historical moment" with the two men.
Frederick P. Salvucci, the State Transportation Commissioner, has urged commuters to use car pools and public transportation.
He urged commuters to listen to the radio for updates.
Mr. Karow urged commuters to fill out complaint forms and send them to New York.
Around the region, transportation officials braced for heavier traffic in the days to come and urged commuters to allow extra commuting time or to take mass transit.
But officials, fearing serious problems this morning, urged commuters to use express bus services or car pools to ease tie-ups on roads leading to Manhattan.
But city officials said efforts to repair the street might take as long as a week and they urged commuters to take public transportation to avoid new rush-hour tie-ups.
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg urged commuters to take mass transit today.