Impatient hawks have urged tougher measures, like bombing North Korea's nuclear facilities.
"I urge drastic measures not because I'm afraid of being caught, but because it's the right thing to do."
He is much better known for urging tough measures against Palestinian militants.
At this sign of progress, Dr. Feld urges new measures.
He urged "psychosocial measures" to induce children to use ear protectors.
While General Shalikashvili said that the program was adequate, he urged several new measures.
While slamming Government policies which have bred crime, he has urged new measures to punish per-sistent lawbreakers.
It urges "extraordinary measures" to help the one-fifth of the world's 5.7 billion people who are mired in extreme poverty.
Consumer groups and some legislators are urging measures to ban loan checks.
The European Union has been urging broader preventive measures throughout its 15 member countries.