A top Civil Secret Policeman whom Okazaki knew urged negotiations for fear of a gun battle.
He condemned violence and urged negotiations between Arabs and Jews.
After this was done, he campaigned with the dove as his emblem, urging negotiations.
They have their nuclear missiles and bombers on alert, but even their lawmakers are opposed to their de- ployment and urge negotiations.
Religious groups have also been united in urging negotiations between Washington and Baghdad.
The United States responds to the Canadian arguments by urging negotiations, but Canada's view is that the time for negotiation is over.
During a boundary dispute with Thebes, Phocion urged negotiations, while most Athenians called for war.
Rainach added that if the unpledged electors had gained sufficient support across the South, he would have urged negotiations among the electors themselves.
The king first urged negotiations to encourage Iraq to retreat.
It stated that Russia would assume financing for the fleet, and urged further negotiations with Ukraine over the final disposition of the fleet.