For more than two hours, speaker after speaker urged tolerance, respect and unity among people of different backgrounds and beliefs.
The United Nations General Assembly passed resolutions urging respect for the rights of Tibetans in 1959, 1961 and 1965.
Without sounding too preachy, he urged respect for one's parents and instructed slightly embarrassed audience members to say "I love you" to their neighbors.
Every second page carries a boxed admonition, in white type against gray, urging respect for the armed forces, the Tatmadaw.
Our policy should be to let it run, urging respect for minority rights in the new sovereignties.
The United Nations urged the country to move towards inclusive national reconciliation, the restoration of democracy, and full respect for human rights.
In his inspirational speech, Set our Children Free, his theme is the rights of children, while urging respect for parents and teachers.
Legal conservatives have urged respect for the "original intention" of the Constitution's Framers.
It also urged respect for the rule of law and the strict application of voting laws.
This may create some problems in mounting material in albums, but he is right to urge respect for historical items.