Washington ran into this argument recently when it urged Tokyo to cut taxes to stimulate its economy, which would in turn increase imports.
This year, many people urged us to cut our defense spending further to pay for other government programs.
By no means am I urging you to cut back on your fiction coverage in order to cover non-fiction!
So he urges them to cut back in other areas.
Still others urged the House to cut spending elsewhere in the budget, offsetting the new expenses.
In his own restaurant, he said, he resisted suggestions of those who urged him to cut corners.
Early last year, many economists urged the Fed to cut rates to spur the economy.
The rapporteur urges the Commission to cut the import subsidy for one third of the countries involved.
Were you not so winning, I would urge Atropos to cut your thread immediately.
Even brokers urged him to cut his prices, but he would not.