Bring on the public service announcement urging users to activate only the bare minimum of certificates.
Mr. Tyma urges users to be creative in choosing a name (if you use, for instance, you will have to sift through many messages to find your e-mail).
Symantec is urging users for whom the software" - get this - "is not absolutely necessary to disable it until a fix is available.
Audiogalaxy, based in Austin, Tex., urges users on its Web site to respect the intellectual property of others.
Despite Dell urging users to return the phones, no phones were available in stock for exchange, and phones were not reshipped on November 19 as claimed.
Dell urged users with buggy phones to return them to the place of purchase and receive replacement handsets.
Some of the changes urged users to share everything with everyone-pretty much the polar opposite of what most people would want to do.
He slapped a notice to the top of the new site urging users to update their bookmarks.
Even so, public health officials in the affected states have recently begun urging well users to test their water.
In May 2010, Microsoft's Australian division launched a campaign which compared IE6 to 9-year-old milk and urged users to upgrade to IE8.