Borrowing a phrase from the final message of "Boyz N the Hood," a summer movie about gang violence, he repeatedly urged youths to "increase the peace."
Organizers from Mr. Arafat's Fatah movement urged youths not to hurl stones or confront the soldiers.
The agency urged parents and youths to understand the risks associated with gambling.
The government was urging youths on the street to be aware of the Muslim Brotherhood and others exploiting protests for "hidden agendas", he said.
Death Urged for Dealers Republicans have focused more on the demand side of the equation, stressing such tactics as moral persuasion, epitomized by Mrs. Reagan's well-publicized campaign urging youths to "just say no" to drugs.
The list of his philanthropic endeavors here was seemingly endless, and in Roxbury he is remembered for running summer camps, for urging youths to stay in school and for being a role model to the neighborhood's adults, so that they in turn might be a role model for children.
Skyblog, started in 2002, has grown rapidly, gaining a measure of notoriety when some of its young bloggers urged French youths to revolt against the police in the midst of civil disturbances in the Paris suburbs last year.
In remarks on Europe 1 Radio, the prosecutor general in Paris, Yves Bot, said Web sites were urging youths in other cities to join the rioting.
A man who believed deeply in the liberating power of education and who was forever urging patients and other youths to go to college, Dr. Cave recruited enough black physicians to staff a fair-sized hospital.
The campaign, which will also appear in subway cars and in magazines, urges sexually active youths to use condoms to guard against AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.