Less than a day later, the three new demigods are sent on an urgent quest to rescue Hera who has been kidnapped by a giant.
Museums of love, death, religion and negritude are visited in an addled yet urgent quest for a sense of self.
But if the goods and services hawked at the conference are any measure, the urgent quest for greater security has stirred creative juices among inventors - and marketers.
The damage Leo caused to a green crystal forces Tabaluga to go on an urgent quest for a new one, Leo by his side.
And the shift is behind an urgent new Congressional quest for millions of dollars in emergency money to try to ease the risk.
But there is a habit that's cousin to the urgent quest for role models common to many readers that is even more maddening.
The urgent quest for a radical political centre, 1 September 2007.
For those who are dying, political and vague ethical concerns will remain secondary to the more urgent quest for better treatments and effective cures.
But his most urgent quest is to find out why his country is out of kilter.
Alas, these local people, his faithful rescuers, had proven useless in this urgent quest.