Late in 1979 he was urgently summoned to Moscow to discuss plans for building the Yamal natural-gas pipeline.
I believe not, Excellency, but she was summoned urgently.
On 14 September 1498, Giovanni died in the presence of Caterina, who had been summoned urgently to attend him.
He said this to Mamercus, whom he had summoned urgently to his house.
So Covenant had been urgently summoned, and yet now was left to himself, with no demands upon him.
Though urgently summoned by telegraph, Sir Harry did not reach London until four days after her death.
I wonder what the undergrounds want this time that such important backers as you and I had to be summoned so urgently?
Isabella was at her father's side when he died on 21 June 1377 having been urgently summoned home from France by couriers the previous April.
The admiral sensed the next bit of news was the true reason he had been so urgently summoned.
By 8 P.M., Mr. Fox was about to start for home when he was urgently summoned back.