Increased serum and urine levels of hydroxyproline have also been demonstrated in Paget's disease.
This product can affect the results of certain lab tests (such as urine levels of certain acids).
A 2010 study in Pediatrics found that children with higher urine levels of organophosphate, a pesticide used on produce, had higher ADHD rates.
Another 2010 study showed that women with higher urine levels of organophosphate were more likely to have a child with ADHD.
In those on a traditional Japanese diet, the scientists found, the urine level of the compound is at least 30 times that of Westerners.
The guaifenesin in this product can affect the results of certain lab tests (such as urine levels of certain acids).
However, doses in excess of 800 mg per day can result in urine levels greater than the 15 mcg/mL allowed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
For instance, massaged babies had lower urine levels of certain stress hormones than babies that didn't get massage.
He also discovered that the urine level of B2 microglobulin, was a sensitive indicator of proximal renal tubular damage.
If the exposure is chronic, urine levels can be obtained; 24-hour collections are more reliable than spot collections.