The wings held thirty-eight gallons of usable fuel each, for a total of seventy-six.
Even more serious, an explosion in the hydrogen-processing system disabled the ship's ability to create usable fuel.
Basic aircraft empty weight is essentially the same and excludes any baggage, passengers, or usable fuel.
The big gray sheds were for reprocessing nuclear waste, extracting usable fuel from spent material.
In aviation, usable fuel is the fuel on board an aircraft that can actually be used by its engines.
So are many of the refineries that turn the oil into usable fuels.
It may include usable fuel in specified tanks when carried in lieu of payload.
No matter what a star's mass is, it will eventually run out of usable fuels.
Hydropyrolysis is the first process used to turn biomass into usable fuel.
One-fifth (1/5) of municipal solid waste is recycled into usable fuel.