Because of this, the usable length of the platform is short, necessitating use of a Selective door operation system for longer trains.
In 2005, Wengernalp station platforms were extended from 127 m to 181 m usable length.
The nasty old living-room floors provided enough usable lengths for the upstairs hall.
The platform has a usable length of 142 metres.
Gate safety: The catch ropes at the trough gates reduce the usable length of the trough by 5m.
Unfortunately, trees on state land near the runway are growing into the flight path, forcing aircraft to dodge and dangerously shortening the runway's usable length.
The quality, character, and usable length of the ureters is usually assessed using any of the following tests:
It is a dirt airstrip with about 1200 to 1400 m of usable length.
A sawbuck is a device for holding rough wood so that it may be sawn into pieces of length usable in a stove or fireplace.
It demonstrated it was commercially feasible to have a system of usable length.