The gang controlled the usable parts of at least four such structures, each one linked to the main building through a maze of tunnels.
The bombers were stripped of all usable parts, then chopped into five pieces by a 13,000-pound steel blade dropped from a crane.
The middlings purifier was used in this process to separate the bran from the usable part of the flour.
From the still existing castle those medieval parts still usable were kept.
According to the indictment, the defendants sometimes stole a car, stripped its usable parts and left the hulk on the side of a road.
Hunter ordered them stripped of usable parts, and their tanks drained.
The harvest of the usable parts is often done with a machete, the harvester taking care to avoid the spines.
When the majority of usable parts get stripped, the vehicle is moved to a restricted area of the lot where it gets crushed.
They were stored out of service and stripped of usable parts.
Most of the units, or at least their usable parts, are dishwasher-safe.