Each has a special meaning, though modern usage tends to be loose.
Although a very small percentage of the vocabulary, their usage tends to be high-frequency because of their relevance to modern society and popular culture.
But current usage tends to be more precise, perhaps influenced by the philosophical meaning.
Its current usage tends to be wider in Europe and Asia than in the United States.
More modern usage tends to refer to the entire 'lifecycle' of records - from the point of creation right through until their eventual disposal.
American usage tends to call them all "turret lathes".
These online streaming services use a lot of bandwidth (relatively speaking), and usage tends to concentrate in the evening hours.
Though earlier uses of the phrase were meant to lend a cosmopolitan feel to subjects, modern usage tends more toward an ironic, campy appeal.
In practice, usage tends to be a matter of local custom, rather than reflecting any philosophical or political position.
Also, their usage tends not to waver.