Assuming, of course, you intend to use AOL 22 hours and 12 minutes for 45 days straight after you sign up.
That plan is used by customers who buy broadband connections from another provider but still want to use AOL's e-mail, chat rooms and content.
Any idiot can use AOL, even this one!
You can also control when your child can use AOL and for how long.
I have been using AOL for years.
If you're not a computer-savvy genius and you're using AOL, you'll have trouble.
Each is represented with a different color; deep green, for example, represents someone using AOL.
Employees who have used AOL at home voice a variety of complaints.
For example, it is trying to increase the number of broadband subscribers by getting them to use AOL as their broadband provider.
Even though MSN is on the desktop, everybody uses AOL.