Using CD-ROM, parents can program the toy to repeat a child's name, hair color, age or birthday as well as to sing and tell stories.
Libraries and government agencies, which already use CD-ROM's to store documents and records, urge standard hardware and software.
Systems using laser videodisks or CD-ROM can have virtually instant access to large amounts of data, including graphics and sound.
Theory is mainly conveyed by way of self-study using books, computer based training using CD-ROM or online learning.
He is using CD-ROM's to study Islamic texts and challenge rigid Islamic interpretations.
But, he said, Microsoft does not intend to use CD-ROM's as a means of offering customized suites.
And, according to a California judge, were Guthrie around today, he might have added that some lawyers use CD-ROM.
Of those not yet using CD-ROM, over 70 per cent said they expected to be doing so by the end of 1990.
"My son, who is sort of technically oriented, has been using CD-ROM's since he was 2," Ms. Campbell said.
By using CD-ROM and on line, we can deliver advertising in ways that meet the needs of both those who love it and hate it.