You can use Foursquare to meet new friends, find out who else is in your area or compete against other people in your city.
The Foreign Office is now using Foursquare to keep British nationals up to date with travel information while they are on the move.
You can check in using Foursquare and add in a tip to let others know about your favorite burger.
Now you're ready to use Foursquare!
If you're stuck with a regular cell phone, you can still use Foursquare.
Some Foursquare users only use Foursquare for the "Specials".
Three smartphones using Foursquare.
In the early Twitter days, you could see the momentum building, so when I first started using Foursquare, I understood what was happening.
Path does that - when you start saying where you are it's actually using Foursquare inside the Path application.
It uses Foursquare for points of interest and OpenStreetMap for street info.