Some of our best friends use Netscape.
For instructions on saving your file using Netscape browser 8.
Over half of you use Netscape as your browser.
If you are using Netscape, the minimum version that will work with this site is version 6.2.
To download a copy using Netscape, Shift-left click on the desired size and file type.
In the first few years, almost everybody using Netscape was using some kind of pre-release or beta version.
If you are using Netscape and limiting your search does not work, the page code may include bugs.
Today, 78 percent of our customers are using Netscape.
For vision-impaired users who need to set fonts very large or use high-contrast color schemes, it's a reason not to use Netscape.
When I used Netscape, my computer, which has a high-speed connection, was hung up for minutes at a time while the site returned results.