What it means, according to the product's packaging, is that one-third of women currently using Norplant will experience prolonged or irregular bleeding.
Giving teen-agers contraceptives encourages promiscuity, and bribing them to use Norplant will encourage it even more.
After three months of using Norplant, women will need to schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor blood pressure and discuss any concerns.
Despite the users' satisfaction, there remains concern among some health experts that poor women could be coerced into using Norplant.
The flaw in their case was an inability to prove permanent damage-most side effects disappeared after women stopped using Norplant.
Dr. Darney said surveys showed that virtually 100 percent of the women using Norplant were very happy with it.
And women's groups in other states say they are beginning to hear talk about legislation requiring women convicted of drug abuse to use Norplant.
She said she would not use Norplant but would use "birth control," by which she meant the contraceptive pill.
He suggested using Norplant, the contraceptive implant for women, and vasectomies.
American Indian women are more likely to use Norplant than European American women.