A neat little utility for those who use Outlook and have no real mobile computing options.
Then again, a project requirement was employees should be able to continue to use Outlook if they want and not suffer a penalty because of the choice.
Several major computer companies make light, powerful laptops designed for the business traveler who needs to use Outlook and other standard office software on the road.
I don't use it anymore because I use Outlook.
If they're using, for example, Outlook with the - I was going to say with the preview pane.
I'm working at an office now where every time I use Outlook for more than a few minutes, it gives me an error message and dies!
For those who don't use Outlook or would like another option, a good new one exists.
If you have already been using Outlook, though, this won't be an issue.
Anyone that isn't stupid is using webmail, or Outlook if they have an Exchange account.
It's one of the reasons I don't use Outlook.