Then I listened to Episode 70 about achieving Internet anonymity using TOR.
Aside from the issue of performance, is there any reason why I shouldn't use TOR for encrypting data going over the first hop?
STEVE: Well, we know there are also - sometimes they use TOR.
I'm an expatriate living in Southeast Asia, and I like to use TOR to visit some areas of the web.
Modern "cablegrams" or "telegrams" actually operate over dedicated telex networks, using TOR whenever required.
I tried using TOR, but every web-based email I used asked me to turn on cookies or Java.
LEO: And you can use TOR completely freely and safely.
STEVE: Well, he pointed out that people were using TOR for the wrong reason.
People are using TOR to do things anonymously.
And so there were criminal abusers using TOR to hide.