In practice, a similar arrangement can also be formed using a fixed loop at the end of a rope.
Further directionality can be obtained by using a loop whose circumference is not one but 3 or 5 wavelengths.
It was common to use a long loop to tie up the package, to aid carrying with the index finger.
Another typical example is to use a single loop, in which the data circulates a variable number of times.
This is because the computer uses a loop instead of the internal clock which has not been activated yet to run the timer.
Use a loop to aseptically transfer a large mass of pure bacteria to the disk.
This building uses a geothermal loop for heating and cooling as part of the school's commitment to sustainable energy.
In either case readers simply retry (using a loop) until they read the same even sequence number before and after.
In C++, this could be achieved using a hand-written loop.
Using a loop in the rope, I boosted myself into the crevice.