However, when there still was no other version available, the committee opted to use a modern translation that they deemed suitable.
The production uses a recent translation of the play and incorporates puppets.
The full text (using a slightly different translation to the book) is as follows:
Many other languages, however, continue to use a literal translation of "White Russia" to refer to Belarus.
Use a modern translation, not the Authorised Version.
It was also claimed that the New York Times article used an incorrect translation of the document on which it based its claims.
"All of us are guilty," he said (the LAT uses a slightly different translation).
For the current run, the company is using an English translation by Nigel Douglas, and has assembled an attractive production.
The standard encoding method uses a simple translation of the fields into a byte stream.
Coordinates from the mapping system can sometimes be roughly changed into another datum using a simple translation.