For one thing, many corporations are using small and midsize acquisitions as a way to move into new markets.
Electrolux has been a pacesetter among European companies in using acquisitions to expand internationally.
They are also using acquisitions to broaden their products and services, as Washington Mutual is doing.
As smaller Internet firms merge to remain viable and to eliminate competition, a few of the largest on-line companies are using acquisitions to extend their dominance.
Hiring: some companies use acquisitions as an alternative to the normal hiring process.
Fertilizer companies, profiting from rising prices, are using acquisitions to expand their presence in developing countries such as China and India.
To combat that, Pfizer and some other companies have used mergers or acquisitions to grow.
Valuation analytics are determined for various operating statistics using comparable acquisitions.
Using internal development and acquisitions the company extended its reach beyond load balancing, producing a range of products for Application Delivery Networking.
ConocoPhillips, a company formed through a string of earlier mergers, has been using acquisitions to help it grow.