The fund has occasionally used scaled-down agreements before, as they place less stringent conditions on a country than in the broader agreements.
But students - and their parents - aren't the only ones who can use agreements on living arrangements.
Although its liaison is established using regular transactional agreements.
Many of them now use formal agreements or barter networks that require annual dues, usually around $100, and are based on elaborate point systems.
In the future, even natural bidding systems used detailed agreements and conventions.
In the new study, 21 percent of respondents said they used billings-based agreements last year, compared with 35 percent three years ago.
Another difficulty arising from having to use conditions rather than legal agreements concerns the length of time for which the reserved areas can be safeguarded.
This contrasts with the government's tactics to date which have been more focused on using voluntary agreements.
The possibility of also using collective contracts or agreements between the social partners to transpose the directive should be seen in a fundamentally positive light.
Secondly, we need to consider what legal, political or institutional stumbling blocks might in certain cases lie in the way of using such agreements.