FOCA is also the contact point for the embassies of other nations, if they want to use Swiss airspace with a State aircraft.
Permission for using airspace is required except for the special cases listed in clause 114 of the Federal rules for using Russian air space.
No permission for using airspace is required.
But perhaps most immediately troubling to Washington is his decision to ban American drug surveillance flights from using Venezuelan airspace.
Our pretext was that Israel had used Saudi airspace to attack us, though we later found out it did so without Saudi permission.
American officials are also pushing to use Turkish airspace.
General Musharraf has already faced protests for sharing intelligence with the Americans and allowing coalition warplanes to use Pakistani airspace.
Turkey announced that it would allow U.S. transport planes to use its bases and airspace.
One Administration official disputed this description of the flight, saying he believed that the Israeli planes used Jordanian airspace to reach Iraq.
Russia permitted the United States to supply its armed forces in Afghanistan using Russian airspace.