Using good algorithms like these can make it very hard to read the information that is sent.
Not all the decisions about cuts are made using complex algorithms.
I'm sure those guys recognize - they used a slow algorithm and so forth.
The test uses a complex algorithm to weigh answers against one another.
So the C version, which is out just recently, uses a new algorithm to increase this number from 250 domains to 50,000.
Using Genetic algorithms is one proposed way to solve this problem.
In fact, you probably do use a more powerful algorithm, I would guess, to just do it.
He then goes on to show that an angel playing a 5-devil (game 2) can achieve a win using a fairly simple algorithm.
The system uses a unique algorithm to maximize the use of the 12-character codes.
In that case, it is usually best to use an algorithm which has been proved admissible.