Last month, Mr. Rowland proposed using a 61-cent increase in the state's 50-cent cigarette tax to help offset the current deficit, a measure that Democratic lawmakers support.
Kennedy also saw using an increase in sin tax as a way to pay for the expanded coverage.
They used an increase in the New Jersey minimum wage to test the impact on employment among fast-food workers.
The idea of using an increase in state education aid to close the city's wider budget gap is not new; several previous mayors have done the same thing.
If hydrated lime is used, an increase by 1/3 or more (to 48 lb.
The House bill calls for spending more on transportation than the Senate measure, using a five-cent-a-gallon increase in the Federal motor fuels tax.
The district also used a small increase in state aid to reduce taxes.
That is to say, an increase in fishermen, an increase in those who use violence and an increase in extremists.
On that same day, she introduced a plan to preserve almost half the undeveloped land in the state using a 7-cent increase in the gasoline tax.
Republicans continually attempted to use a needed increase in the federal debt ceiling as a bargaining chip in the budget negotiations.