Whether you are creating a business or repositioning one, the book uses anecdotes, real examples and concepts that will help you along the way.
During the show, Hudson conveyed his experiences with rock music's elite using humorous anecdotes, impersonations, and music.
But your article focuses on the nonbusiness use of corporate aircraft, using anecdotes, without noting some key facts.
His lyrics are often socially conscious or spiritual, and he uses personal stories and anecdotes in his shows.
The author used personal anecdotes, questions from her students, and medical information to both educate and reassure pregnant women.
The conversation is split up into numerous lessons that each master teaches, using personal anecdotes from their life to illustrate the point.
The book was not written to provide an historical account but to teach by example using anecdotes taken from the experiences of Usāmah.
If a reporter must use anecdotes, they'd better be true.
French people tend to use such anecdotes to exaggerate the role of money in American life, suggesting that it is our sole obsession.
How to use the twelve steps is explained using examples and anecdotes.