The recent scores also use repetition as an engine, though more subtly.
A pulley wheel on the left hand side allowed it to be used as a stationary engine, driving a wide range of agricultural machinery.
Hydro-Quebec has been used as an engine of economic growth by successive Quebec leaders, and not just separatists.
Pure Data has been used as the basis of a number of projects, as a prototyping language and a sound engine.
It aims to have voters use the Internet as an engine of political information.
This seems to be the one way in which a university can be used as an engine of business growth.
Our national security budget must not be used as an economic engine.
The engine was then used for other purposes as a stationary engine.
Now we are seeing other African countries decide to use their mineral sector as an engine for development.
It was used in the 18th century as a pumping engine to drain a coal mine near Manchester.