Also, you should never use asterisks, which are just irritating as well as a cop-out (as said in the article).
In baseball, the idea of using asterisks, if only mental ones, dates to at least 1884, when Ned Williamson, a slugger for the Chicago White Stockings, hit 27 home runs, then a record.
Using asterisks at the front and end of the generic name may retrieve mixtures where diazepam is not at the beginning of a name.
Using asterisks at the front and end of an official name stem may retrieve related drugs.
You're able to, with WPA passphrases, you can use anything printable, you know, asterisks, dollar signs, you can look like a comic book swearing person - upper, lowercase, numbers, you name it.
Some texts use asterisks and daggers alongside superscripts, using the former for per-page footnotes and the latter for endnotes.
He used asterisks (***) instead of dashes ( - ).
Not displaying the password on the display screen as it is being entered or obscuring it as it is typed by using asterisks (*) or bullets (-).
LMFAO took its name from a popular computer message, which stands for (and I'll have to use asterisks here) "Laughing My F***ing A** Off."