He'd used short, overlapping brushstrokes there; a technique with which Renoir and some of the others were experimenting.
To convey the effects of light and movement, Constable used broken brushstrokes, often in small touches, which he worked over lighter passages.
His style became less formal with time, as he came to use broader brushstrokes in a more telling way.
His style was not like Courbet's because he used large brushstrokes without much detail.
Cheng's landscapes were painted using dry and dark brushstrokes.
The earliest work is technically primitive, using tight, restricted brushstrokes to depict the artist at 33.
To create the desired effects, he used brushstrokes for texture and varnish for sheen.
This painting uses rich, vivid and warm colors, and broad brushstrokes.
Using short brushstrokes, he would make abundant use of blues and greens.
If the character is contained and inward looking, he uses brushstrokes that convey this fact.