Using light bulbs as a source of light is much more convenient.
Some of this loss may be compensated by running the projector's bulb at higher power or using more powerful bulbs.
Let's start with the good - the many benefits that come from using compact fluorescent bulbs.
Use more lighting or higher-watt bulbs for steps and hallways.
A few survive in 2010, now using compact fluorescent bulbs.
If you use compact fluorescent bulbs, you're going to save a lot of money in utilities.
You cannot use bulbs for a 20-lamp set in a 40-lamp one, or vice versa.
A way to save even more energy and money over the long run is to use modern compact fluorescent bulbs.
But "they use very hot bulbs" in the projector, he said.
Growers using fluorescent bulbs with reasonable air circulation do not have this problem.