This society's purpose was to participate in anatomic dissection, using cadavers that they themselves procured.
In an experiment using cadavers, it was found that failure of the plantar fascia averaged at loads of 1189 244 newtons (121 24 kgf or 267 55 ft-lb).
Experiments using both crash test dummies and human cadavers also indicated that wearing seat belts should lead to reduced risk of death and injury in car crashes.
Dr. Forbes was arrested for grave robbing in 1882 as a consequence of using cadavers to train his pupils.
Reports in the German press in November that Heidelberg University admitted having used cadavers caused a stir in Detroit and elsewhere.
Such techniques represent a cost- and time-saving move away from the creation of medical animations using sectioned cadavers.
In Saudi Arabia, transplants are performed using medicinal cadavers rather than living donors.
Systems are being designed so that young medical students can "dissect" electronic images, rather than using real cadavers for their initial lessons.
Detectives are checking with medical institutions that use cadavers, and are looking for disturbed grave sites in the Newark area.
"It's not allowed in Islam to use cadavers of Muslims," a powerful mullah told Dr. Nassim Zafar, 42, who teaches surgery at the school.