Quantum biology uses computation to model biological interactions in light of quantum mechanical effects.
Researchers can now identify promising protein targets and small sets of chemicals, including good lead compounds, using computation alone.
Current implementation uses floating-point computation in order to simplify implementation.
Abelson has a longstanding interest in using computation as a conceptual framework in teaching.
He has been called "an expert in using building simulation, engineering, computation, artificial intelligence and virtual reality as a tool for sustainable design."
Recommendations can be generated based on user ratings, using statistical computation and network theory.
They used massive computation to fully develop the group E8 and its representations so that they could list its important features.
This is a methodology that uses evolutionary computation to help design robots, especially the body form, or motion and behavior controllers.
In this way, "the ants collectively solve an optimization problem using emergent computation."
Cross-validation is a generally applicable way to predict the performance of a model on a validation set using computation in place of mathematical analysis.