His captors used potent conditioning that made memory excruciating.
His captors used potent conditioning that made memory excruciat- ing.
Cinematch uses "straightforward statistical linear models with a lot of data conditioning".
The main idea is to use conditioning on to express and then to use a second order Taylor expansion of and .
Using operant conditioning, you'd reward the lion for any small movement to the right.
Some of this work has involved using sports and physical conditioning as a bulwark against addiction.
They used Pavlovian (classical) conditioning, pairing a neutral stimulus (the rat) with a negative effect.
There have been some studies where dogs were trained to alert impending seizures by using reward-based conditioning - with partial success.
I now understand why they use conditioning, and how compassionate they are to do it.
One way to enhance therapeutic effectiveness is to use positive reinforcement or operant conditioning.