This method uses conjunctions of possible places for each block of boxes.
He used slang-like conjunctions of words, such as tahell for "to hell" and yago for "you go."
Sabaean is equipped with a number of means to form Subordinate Clauses using various conjunctions:
These clauses are joined together using conjunctions, punctuation, or both.
Subordinate clauses tended to use correlative conjunctions, e.g.
At the level of cohesion, naturalness is enhanced by using typical Arabic conjunctions such as wa and fa, sometimes at the expense of accuracy.
Here's an item for the next doctoral thesis on Mr. Leonard: he often drops the word "if" in dialogue - and uses hardly any conjunctions.
In infinitary logic, one can use infinite conjunctions and infinite disjunctions.
The language uses prepositions and conjunctions.
A sentence can be made as long as time allows with concatenating clauses using grammatical conjunctions such as and.