It is expected that programmers will use constructs very carefully and only when necessary; programs that do not use them are type safe.
The study encouraged learners to take risks while communicating, and to use constructs other than rote memorized patterns.
Program logic can tie all of the above elements together using constructs such as if-then-else statements and logical operators.
As a result, if they use a shared resource, they still need to be synchronized manually using locks or other constructs.
O'Connell argues that we must simply use different models and constructs when dealing with the quantum world.
Avoiding using functions and constructs that are prone to failure, for example, may fail.
Anyone using magical constructs would not employ them unless they were equipped with superior weapons.
It not only uses documentary codes and conventions but constructs a particular relationship with the discourse of factuality.
Concurrency in most popular programming languages is implemented using constructs such as semaphores and monitors.
Like the lunch wagon, a stationary diner allowed one to set up a food service business quickly using pre-assembled constructs and equipment.