No matter what your financial situation is, there's no reason not to use coupons.
The survey also found that 83 percent of those who earn less than $15,000 have used coupons.
A traveler using coupons may also use them for up to two children aged 2 to 11 on each trip.
The way I do this is by using coupons at the grocery store.
To purchase these items, workers had to use coupons they received from their work units.
One reason: they are 19 percent less likely to use coupons.
Indeed, one benefit of using online coupons, he said, is the ability to track such statistics.
"I grew up in the Sixties and we used coupons," he said.
My wife suggested using coupons to make the supermarket experience last longer.
"We are actually using coupons arriving in the mail," she said.