Ski mountaineers may also use ropes, ice axes and crampons for ascending slopes too steep for skinning or kicking steps.
Since the slope that comes down into Hushe valley is too steep, climbers and trekkers use crampons especially while descending.
Steer clear of thick heavy mountain boots, as your feet will tire easily, unless you're planning some serious winter walking where you might need to use crampons.
Using crampons to ascend or descend on ice, preferably with maximum number of points of the crampon into the ice for weight distribution.
Europe-model heliskiers also need to be competent in ski mountaineering, which adds climbing uphill on skis and occasionally using ropes, ice ax and crampons.
You'll learn how to use an ice axe and crampons, and how to navigate your way across a landscape buried beneath a thick blanket of snow.
- An introduction to climbing using crampons, ice axes, and other ice-specific climbing gear.
Heavy gaiters are often worn when using crampons, to protect the leg and ankle from the spikes of the opposite foot.
The ice climbers must use an ice axe, crampons, and rope.
Experience using ice axe and crampons is preferred but not essential.