However, sometimes it is desirable to use electrodes with core materials significantly different from the base material.
This action potential, called the N170 was measured using electrodes in the occipito-temporal region, an area already known to be changed by face stimuli.
Many systems typically use electrodes, each of which is attached to an individual wire.
Electrogastrography: measures electrical activity in the stomach using electrodes placed on the skin.
The current is applied using electrodes that have been either moistened or coated with a gel.
"You don't need to use electrodes, or wait for clinical cases of brain lesions," to study laughter recognition, he said.
Using electrodes, Hopkins made different orientations of electric fields to test how fish navigate.
The very first circuits used a battery and electrodes immersed in a container of water.
He left a further day later after being exposed to people being "treated" using electrodes.
Each type of response is recorded from brain waves by using electrodes taped to the head.