Another proposal involved raising Titanic by means of attaching balloons to her hull using electromagnets.
The technique enables the levitation of an object using electromagnets.
Particle accelerator: A machine that, using electromagnets, can accelerate moving charged particles, giving them more energy.
And no state suspected Iraq's biggest surprise - its clandestine attempt to enrich uranium using electromagnets.
The particle track is typically bent into a circle using electromagnets.
Two years earlier, the inventor had created a method for using electromagnets to separate and refine iron ore.
Using electromagnets, it moves along an elevated track while remaining about half an inch above the rails.
As electronics improved, and electrical control systems with them, it became increasingly easy to build an "active track" using electromagnets.
The game's second half features mechanical puzzles and traps using machinery, electromagnets, and gravity.
Using electromagnets, the strength of the magnetic field can be adjusted and so the magnitude of braking effect changed.