The inexperienced also have the tendencies of using trial and error through their imagination.
Each person is different, so you may need to use trial and error to see what helps (or hurts) your symptoms.
Instead of waiting on creative inspiration or using trial and error, new inventive ideas could be derived.
The duration is determined by the patient using trial and error, with the goal of stopping before becoming tired.
This study was criticized for using data that had been corrected to match the official count, and thus "essentially analyzing rounding error".
Soon he was building and selling his experimental homes while continuing to use trial and error to improve them.
To do this you would use trial and error to find the first x value that causes the expression to equal zero.
Using trial and error in choosing planting distance, some trees that were initially planted too close are being replanted.
So we just have to see what the substance actually does when it grows a crystal, or use massive trial & error in computer simulations.
The two medications work similarly, although patients often respond differently to each; most doctors use trial and error to find the best regimen.