Learning vocabulary from these experiences includes using context, as well as explicit explanations of words and/or events in the story.
It is quite another to use such explanations for apologetic purposes.
One would be utterly foolish to try to explain a subject using scientific explanations to another who is not interested in or doesn't understand scientific terms.
For example, our understanding of Nietzsche increases when we see his response to thinkers who use physiological explanations and utopian visions.
Feature writers use the active-verb construction and concrete explanations of straight news, but often put more personality in their prose.
Talk about independence issues, using explanations and reasoning - practise good communication and reflective listening.
Most audio recordings teach words in the target language by using explanations in the learner's own language.
"Parents who use suggestions and explanations have children who learn to negotiate," he said.
Also, Marxism, while acknowledging social contradictions, still uses functionalist explanations.
We can all use instructions now and then, explanations of how things work, directions on how to proceed.