They incorporated firing pottery in a kiln and using glazes into their techniques.
They used ash glazes, prepared from wood growing on the estate.
The best of these ceramics use bluish green, yellow or olive glazes.
These works used bright, polychrome glazes, a feature of his work that would remain constant throughout his career.
Reed also uses glazes which create effects which are more like what one might expect from ink on vellum rather than oil on canvas.
These teacups ($17.50) have been made by one family, using the same styles and glazes, for over 700 years.
Using fine glazes and subtle tonal modulations, she makes the light appear to emanate from the paint itself.
To achieve a softer, painterly effect in prints, he often uses water-thin stains and glazes.
The following recipes use both traditional vegetables and fruits and less usual glazes which make the most of British lamb.
They claimed that Michelangelo worked over the frescoes a secco using velature or glazes as a binder.