Or the time he used a rubber band and chewing gum to repair his precious horn.
Gave up for 4 years after using gum to take the edge off.
He had taken up using nicotine-replacement gum after giving up smoking.
The Mayans, on the other hand, were the first people to use latex gum; better known to them as chicle.
For all I can tell they used string, scotch tape, and chewing gum.
We used sugarless gum because that's what was available in the hospital gift shop.
"They should also desist from sealing the drums using chewing gum."
Stop using xanthan gum at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
The participants told whether they had used a patch, gum, inhaler, or spray.
Harnisch intends to adopt a more gradual approach, using patches or gum.