I remember once he was using inhalants with some friends.
Another sign of using inhalants is paint or other stains on your teen's clothing, hands, or face.
But if they use inhalants, they may never have a second chance to learn otherwise.
The survey underscores the fact that using inhalants is not an exceedingly rare event, and it is actually more common than many parents think, according to Jacobs.
Eighth graders who used cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana and inhalants in 1997 said they began when they were 11 to 12 years of age.
And 95 percent said they believed their children had never used inhalants.
These groups almost always use inhalants at very high levels (Leal et al. 1978).
Those who used inhalants are also at significant risk with around 20% attempting suicide at some point and more than 65% considering it.
Talk with a doctor if you think your child or teen is using alcohol, cigarettes, inhalants, or other drugs.
Individuals of all ages use inhalants, but teens and young adults account for a large portion of the inhalant abuse in the United States.